Sharing Omnis libraries on GitHub is the premier tool for sharing source code. Using the JSON export tool in Omnis Studio 8.1, Omnis developers can easily share their code on GitHub for other developers to discover, use, and improve.

This guide will walk you through the complete process to share an Omnis library on GitHub.



There are several phases to sharing an Omnis Library with GitHub. This guide will cover all of them, but several steps only need to be performed one per machine or project.

Public versus private repositories

This guide will help you create a public repository on GitHub. Anyone can view your source and download your library from a public repository. GitHub also provides private repositories that limit access to your code. Private repositories require a paid subscription and are outside the scope of this guide.

Phase 1: Setup your computer for GitHub development

Create a GitHub account

If you don’t already have a GitHub account, head over to to create a new account on GitHub.

Even if you plan to use GitHub for an organization or company, you still need a personal account. You can create your organization or company later.

Enter a username, email address, and password, then click Create an account.

Join GitHub

GitHub will send you a verification email. Follow the steps in that email to complete verification.

GitHub will ask you to customize your plan and tailor your experience, but these steps are optional. Complete them if you’d like, or move to the next step.

Install GitHub Desktop

GitHub Desktop is a user-friendly graphical app for working with GitHub repositories. Download and install it from

Launch GitHub Desktop and choose Sign into

GitHub Desktop Splash

Enter your GitHub user name and password, then click Sign In.

Sign into GitHub Desktop

Configure the name and email address that will appear with any changes you commit.

Configure GitHub Desktop

Click Continue and complete the setup.

Phase 2: Setup a repository for your project

Create a repository

GitHub organizes projects into repositories, similar to a project in the Omnis VCS. Open GitHub Desktop and go to File -> New Repository. Fill out the form as follows:

Field Value
Name The name for your repository. Try using your library’s name. GitHub’s convention is use dashes for spaces
Description A brief description of this library
Local Path The parent folder that will contain your repository. GitHub Desktop will create this path for you if need be
Initialize this project with a README Checked
Git Ignore None
Licence Choose an appropriate license if you’d like. See for details on each license

When finished the form should look something like this:

Create repository in GitHub Desktop

Click Create Repository.

Configure your repository

In GitHub Desktop, choose Repository -> Show in Finder on macOS or Repository -> Show in Explorer on Windows.

Add a folder called lib and copy or move your Omnis library into it.

Add an empty folder called src. Later in this guide you’ll export the JSON source of your library to this folder.

Your folder should look something like this:

Repository folder

Configure .gitattributes

The Omnis JSON import looks for carriage return characters CR to delimit new lines of code in *.omh files regardless of the platform performing the import. git defaults to managing repository line ending automatically for your current platform. This means you’ll get linefeed LF characters on macOS, Linux, and other Unix-based systems, and carriage return linefeeds CRLF on Windows. Omnis Software recommends using the Windows line endings on all platforms as the linefeed character will be ignored and CRLF line endings are standard on at least one modern platform.

You can configure your repository to use CRLF line endings for Omnis code files using the .gitattributes file. GitHub has a great article that describes how this file works. Your .gitattributes file should contain a section like this:

# Declare files that will always have CRLF line endings on checkout.
* .omh text eol=crlf

# Denote all files that are truly binary and should not be modified.
*.png binary
*.jpg binary
*.lbs binary

You’ll need to create this file using a text editor. Because the file name begins with a dot . it may not be visible by default in the macOS Finder or Windows Explorer.

A convenient way to configure this file is to use a terminal command.


  1. Open your repository in GitHub Desktop
  2. Go to Repository -> Open in Terminal
  3. Paste in this command:
    echo '# Declare files that will always have CRLF line endings on checkout.' > .gitattributes; echo '* .omh text eol=crlf' >> .gitattributes; echo >> .gitattributes; echo '# Denote all files that are truly binary and should not be modified.' >> .gitattributes; echo '*.png binary' >> .gitattributes; echo '*.jpg binary' >> .gitattributes; echo '*.lbs binary' >> .gitattributes;


  1. Open your repository in GitHub Desktop
  2. Go to Repository -> Open in Command Prompt
  3. Paste in this command:
    echo # Declare files that will always have CRLF line endings on checkout. > .gitattributes & echo * .omh text eol=crlf >> .gitattributes & echo. >> .gitattributes & echo # Denote all files that are truly binary and should not be modified. >> .gitattributes & echo *.png binary >> .gitattributes & echo *.jpg binary >> .gitattributes & echo *.lbs binary >> .gitattributes

Configure the README

The file is a great place to provide instructions for using your library. When a visitor views your project on GitHub, the contents of this file are displayed on the main page for the project. uses the Markdown formatting syntax, which can easily dress up text with heading, lists, and code snippets. Checkout the Mastering Markdown guide on GitHub for help with the Markdown syntax.

You might want to use an app that specializes in working with Markdown to edit this file. Try MarkdownPad on Windows and MacDown on macOS, both free.

You can also copy a sample and customize it for your project.

Phase 3: Add your library to the repository and publish it

Export your library

Open your library from lib/ folder using Omnis Studio. Select the library in the Studio Browser and click Export Lib to JSON… in the sidebar.

Export to JSON

Omnis will prompt for a location for the export. Choose the src/ folder in your repository.

Export to JSON Source

Import your library

It’s a good idea to ensure your library can be rebuilt from the JSON export. The Studio Browser will now present an option to Rebuild from JSON….

Rebuild from JSON

Click Rebuild from JSON…, then click Import on the confirmation prompt.

Confirm Rebuild from JSON

Review your Omnis library to ensure it works properly. If you need to access the original library, click Restore Library… in the Studio Browser sidebar. You can also find your library on disk in these locations:

Platform Default Path
macOS ~/Library/Application Support/Omnis/Omnis Studio [Version] x64/archives
Windows %LOCALAPPDATA%/Omnis/Omnis Studio [Version] x64/archives

Commit your changes

If running Windows, ensure your library is not open in Omnis before proceeding. Omnis places a lock on the `.lbs` file which prevents git from reading it properly. macOS does not place a similar exclusive lock, although it may be prudent to close your library to ensure all changes are flushed to disk.

Return to GitHub Desktop and you will see a number of files marked for change. Enter a summary for your commit, such as Initial commit.

Initial commit

Click Commit to master and your changes will be saved to the local repository on your machine.

Publish your repository to GitHub

Click Publish Repository in the GitHub Desktop toolbar to share your repository with the world.

Publish repository

Fill out a description and uncheck Keep this code private. Leave the organization as None.

Remote repository settings

Click Publish Repository and GitHub Desktop will push your code to GitHub.

Once the repository is posted, go to Repository -> View on GitHub to see it online. Note the URL for your repository—this is what you should share for other developers to access your library.

Share your repository

Share the link to your repository on GitHub to any or all of these news channels:

  1. Post under the News form on the Omnis Developer portal
  2. Email with a request to add your library to the Libraries section of the Omnis Developer portal. Be sure to include a link to repository on GitHub and a brief description of what the library does
  3. Post an announcement to the Omnis Developer List
  4. Email the link directly

Developers can download your library directly from the lib/ folder in your repository, or they can clone the repository and build the lbs from src/.

Phase 4: Publish changes to your repository

When you need to change the library, make them in the lbs file in the lib/ folder of your repository.

Next, open the Studio Browser and select your library. Click Update JSON tree… in the sidebar.

Update JSON tree

Confirm you want to do this.

Confirm update JSON tree

Open GitHub Desktop and review your changes. Check the changes you’d like to commit and enter a summary and any commit notes.

Review changes to commit

Click Commit to master to save the changes locally, then click Push Origin in the toolbar to upload your changes to GitHub.

Push origin

Developers can now download an updated lbs with your changes, or pull the src and import it directly into Omnis.

Published 27 October 2017 by Alex Clay