Branding the Omnis runtime

This guide explains how to change the icon, name, version, copyright, company and other identifying information in the Omnis runtime to match your app.

These instructions are written for Omnis Studio 10.0 or later but may be adapted to previous versions.



Where possible this guide will use tools built-in to the operating system or free tools. However, customizing the Windows runtime requires a resource editor, and a commercial tool may be required to produce the desired results.

This guide will use Resource Tuner 2, but an alternate resource editor may work.

If you want to automate these tasks then consider licensing Resource Tuner Console. Many of these steps can be programmed into a script that Resource Tuner Console can use to brand new Omnis runtimes.

Icon Requirements

For both macOS and Windows you will need your application icon in a number of resolutions. You can use a single large icon and convert it to smaller sizes, or create individual sizes with varying levels of detail.

In all cases it’s best to use a PNG file.

Using a single file

Using individual files

This guide will use a single large image and resize it the various required sizes.

Icon: macOS

The application icon is managed through a .icns file which contains the icon in numerous sizes. There is a built-in iconutil command that can make a .icns file from a folder containing individual files at different sizes. This folder is called an iconset.

Start by creating the iconset folder as omnis.iconset on your Desktop using either the Finder or the Terminal:

mkdir ~/Desktop/omnis.iconset


Put your icons in the omnis.iconset folder using these names and sizes:

Name Size
icon_16x16.png 16x16
icon_16x16@2x.png 32x32
icon_32x32.png 32x32
icon_32x32@2x.png 64x64
icon_128x128.png 128x128
icon_128x128@2x.png 256x256
icon_256x256.png 256x256
icon_256x256@2x.png 512x512
icon_512x512.png 512x512
icon_512x512@2x.png 1024x1024

If using a single image, copy it into omnis.iconset as icon_512x512@2x.png. You can then run these commands in the terminal to create the additional sizes:

sips -Z 512 ~/Desktop/omnis.iconset/icon_512x512@2x.png --out ~/Desktop/omnis.iconset/icon_512x512.png
cp ~/Desktop/omnis.iconset/icon_512x512.png ~/Desktop/omnis.iconset/icon_256x256@2x.png
sips -Z 256 ~/Desktop/omnis.iconset/icon_512x512@2x.png --out ~/Desktop/omnis.iconset/icon_256x256.png
cp ~/Desktop/omnis.iconset/icon_256x256.png ~/Desktop/omnis.iconset/icon_128x128@2x.png
sips -Z 128 ~/Desktop/omnis.iconset/icon_512x512@2x.png --out ~/Desktop/omnis.iconset/icon_128x128.png
cp ~/Desktop/omnis.iconset/icon_128x128.png ~/Desktop/omnis.iconset/icon_64x64@2x.png
sips -Z 64 ~/Desktop/omnis.iconset/icon_512x512@2x.png --out ~/Desktop/omnis.iconset/icon_64x64.png
cp ~/Desktop/omnis.iconset/icon_64x64.png ~/Desktop/omnis.iconset/icon_32x32@2x.png
sips -Z 32 ~/Desktop/omnis.iconset/icon_512x512@2x.png --out ~/Desktop/omnis.iconset/icon_32x32.png
cp ~/Desktop/omnis.iconset/icon_32x32.png ~/Desktop/omnis.iconset/icon_16x16@2x.png
sips -Z 16 ~/Desktop/omnis.iconset/icon_512x512@2x.png --out ~/Desktop/omnis.iconset/icon_16x16.png

You should end up with a folder that looks like this:

omnis.iconset with icons

You can now make your omnis.icns file using the iconutil command:

iconutil -c icns ~/Desktop/omnis.iconset

This will produce a omnis.icns file you can use to brand your runtime.


This file should be placed in your runtime under Contents/Resources/omnis.icns and will change the icon on the runtime.

Omnis macOS runtime with icon

Icon: Windows

There are three locations on Windows that need the icon updated:

omnis.exe and omnisdat.dll need to be modified with Resource Tuner or another resource editor. These require a .ico file containing various sizes of your icon.

The iconset icons can simply be replaced on disk using the appropriately-sized PNG files.

An easy way build the .ico file is a web-based tool that resizes and packages a .png into a .ico, such as To use upload a PNG of your icon that is at least 256x256.

Upload image to

Under the icon format choose Custom sizes, then Multi-size in one icon. Check these sizes:

Icon format choices on

Click the Convert ICO button, then download your icon.

To apply the icons, open omnis.exe with Resource Tuner. Navigate to Icon Group, then 5: English (United Kingdom). Right-click on this entry and choose Resource Tools then Add or Replace Icon within Icon Group.

Add or Replace Icon within Icon Group in Resource Tuner

Click Open on the dialog that appears and select the .ico file you downloaded. Choose the Swap all option and click OK.

Loading the ico in Resource Tuner

Save your changes in Resource Tuner.

When making changes to `.exe` and `.dll` files with Resource Tuner, Windows Explorer doesn't always immediately refresh the file icon. You can force a refresh by dragging the file to another location, then back to its original location.


Repeat these steps in Resource Tuner to change the icons in omnisdat.dll. If you are deploying both 32-bit and 64-bit runtimes, you will need to apply these steps to these two files for each architecture.

The final icon to customize is the one appearing in the top left corner of the Omnis application window. This is managed with the Omnis iconsets introduced in Studio 8.0 through the icon with ID 2033.

To customize this icon you need to replace these PNG files in the studio iconset with files containing your icon:

Name Size
omnis_2033_16x16.png 16x16
omnis_2033_16x16_2x.png 32x32
omnis_2033_32x32.png 32x32
omnis_2033_32x32_2x.png 64x64
omnis_2033_48x48.png 48x48
omnis_2033_48x48_2x.png 96x96

There are four places to rename the Omnis runtime to have your app’s name, company, copyright, and version:

App bundle

Rename the app bundle to have your application’s name by as changing the application name in the Finder.

Rename the app bundle

Info.plist and InfoPlist.strings

The Info.plist file is found inside the app bundle at Contents/Info.plist and can be edited with a text editor or Xcode. There is an InfoPlist.strings file in Contents/Resources/[language].lproj/ for each language you support in your application. For English, the path is Contents/Resources/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings. For French, it would be Contents/Resources/French.lproj/InfoPlist.strings, and so on.

You must retain the primary Info.plist file and folders for each language you wish to support. If you do not plan to support all included languages, you can remove the corresponding folder from Contents/Resources. You should always retain English.lproj since that is the primary language used when developing Omnis Studio.

Each of these files contains one or more keys you need to adjust to contain your application’s branding. The keys listed in this table link to Apple’s documentation on that specific key.

Key Purpose
CFBundleGetInfoString A string with the copyright notice for the bundle. Apple replaces this key with NSHumanReadableCopyright, but Omnis still uses CFBundleGetInfoString
CFBundleIdentifier A unique identifier for your app used by the OS (*see note below)
CFBundleName The short name of the bundle, less than 16 characters
CFBundleShortVersionString Your app’s version followed by the copyright
CFBundleVersion Your app’s version (** see note below)

* CFBundleIdentifier should be formated as a reverse DNS string identifying your company and the bundle. For example, an app called Coffee Picker from Acme, Inc. might have a bundle identifer of:

Note the bundle identifier should only include alphanumeric (A-Z,a-z,0-9), hyphen (-), and period (.) characters per Apple’s specifications.

** CFBundleVersion uses three non-negative, period-separated integers with the first integer being greater than zero—for example, 3.1.2. See Apple’s documentation for details on the meaning of each number.


This file is located at Contents/Resources/English.lproj/Localizable.strings and can be edited with a text editor or Xcode. Adjust these entries:

Entry Value
CORE_RES_1 Application name
CORE_RES_577 Application name. This affects the application menu entries
CORE_RES_25599 The folder under ~/Library/Application Support where your application data will be stored
CORE_RES_29300 Application name. This affects the dialog that appears when Omnis copies firstruninstall to the application data directory in Studio 10.2 and later

There are two locations to customize the Windows runtime with your application name:


Rename the omnis.exe file to use your app’s name. This can be accomplished in Windows File Explorer.

Rename omnis.exe

Edit your exe file with a resource editor like Resource Tuner. There are several entries to edit with your application name under Version 1:

String Value
FileVersion Your version formatted with 4 numbers. Use a 0 for extra numbers, such as for version 3.1
ProductVersion Your version without extra formatting
CompanyName Your company’s name
FileDescription Your application’s name followed by the architecture and “core executable”
LegalCopyright Your copyright
ProductName Your application’s name

Also set the File Version and Product Version data. In Resource Tuner this is available after selecting Version 1 in the lower left-hand corner under Object Inspector. These values should match the FileVersion and ProductVersion strings.

Customizing omnis.exe


You need to rename the omnisdat.dll file using a specific convention based on your custom name for omnis.exe. Use the first 5 characters from your renamed omnis.exe file name, then add dat.dll to get the new name for omnisdat.dll.

For example, if you rename omnis.exe to Coffee Picker.dll change the omnisdat.dll file to Coffedat.dll.

Similarly if you rename omnis.exe to something with less than 5 characters such as abc.exe, change the omnisdat.dll file to abcdat.dll.

Edit your renamed omnisdat.dll file with a resource editor like Resource Tuner. There are two entries to change under String Table.

String Table ID Value
1 1 Your application’s name
32 499 The folder under %LOCALAPPDATA% where your application data will be stored
1832 29300 Your application’s name. This affects the dialog that appears when Omnis copies firstruninstall to the application data directory in Studio 10.2 and later

Published 07 July 2021 by Alex Clay